

  1. 1x4s, stakes for batter boards, strongbacks
  2. 36" zip ties for clamping components together
  3. Low expansion EPS foam glue
  4. Zont™ & Zuckles for bracing
  5. Flat head wood screws: #8 1-1/2", 2", 3"

Site Preparation

Install First Level Components

Begin with Corner Component
Install First Level Components Clockwise Around Perimeter
Install Second Level Components Clockwise Around Perimeter

Install Zont™ Bracing

Accurately Align Lower Wall

X-Y Alignment
Vertical Alignment

Build Top Half of Wall

Pre-Pour Checklist

  1. All debris in footing bag removed?
  2. Footing steel properly installed?
  3. All Fastfoot® edges folded over and screwed (with washers) to base of ICF block through every web?
  4. Have the top of wall elevations been checked for accuracy?
  1. Top block foamed in place to prevent lifting?
  2. No vertical edges unsupported by more than a half web distance?
  3. Vertical joints within one web of each other supported by strapping or glue?
  4. Alignment string in place around the top outside of entire wall spaced out 3/4" to check horizontal alignment?
  5. All horizontal and vertical rebar in place?
  6. Reinforcing in place for external retaining walls?
  7. Holes and damages repaired with foam or strapping?

Window & Door Bucks

  1. Bucks located within 4' of corner supported to corner?
  2. Bucks located within 18" of corner supported internally with coil rod?
  3. Internal bracing (vertical and horizontal) on bucks?
  4. Buck edges attached to both sides of wall?
  5. Buck anchors (6" screws or spikes) angled 16" on center to hold buck to concrete?
  6. Openings between buck and ICF foamed?

Zont™ Bracing

  1. 2x4 waler joints overlapped to provide continuity?
  2. Corners positioned, plumbed and braced?
  3. Bottom of wall positioned to lower string line, then afixed with stake to bottom of strongback?
  4. Screw holding strongback to Zont™ slightly loose to allow for height adjustment?
  5. Kickers staked firmly to the ground with Zuckles (turnbuckles) for adjustment?
  6. Scaffolding installed to access top of wall?


  1. Ordered concrete with 5-1/2" slump for footing?
  2. Arranged for morning delivery?
  3. Placing equipment on site: 1" vibrator, trowels, anchor bolts?
  4. Pump includes 3-1/2" line reducer?
  5. Adequate labor for concrete placement (one on line, one on vibrator, two finishing, etc.)?
  6. Stakes, sledge hammer, dimensional lumber for footing blowout protection?
MP Checklist

Click on image to right for a printable PDF of checklist

Concrete Placement

  1. IMPORTANT: Use a 5" to 6" slump for the footing and first block to ensure concrete flows freely into Fastfoot® (a poorly filled footing will lead to alignment problems and possible form failure as the concrete builds up on the plastic webs and steel reinforcing)
  2. Begin placement under openings and bottom of stepped footings to allow these areas to go 'off' first
  3. Always fill lower areas first, as concrete sliding down bank can pull fabric and lead to fabric failure at attachment points
  4. Use a pencil vibrator to consolidate footing, but do not over vibrate as this will force any concrete in wall to 'blow-up" the footing bag
  5. Fill footing in direction of fabric overlap (counter clockwise) to prevent concrete leaking between overlap
  6. IMPORTANT: Allow sufficient time for the footing concrete to go 'off' so subsequent lifts do not increase hydraulic load in footing
  7. Kick the bag, or 'sound the concrete' to confirm stiffness
  8. Never use a retarder in the footing concrete
  9. In winter, use a 2-1/2" slump mix and add a plasticizer to achieve flow, continue filling wall when the slump has returned to 2-1/2"
  10. Check wall alignment using string lines during and after pour
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